Your privacy guaranteed

Impossible Cloud stores data in top-tier data centers that are highly secure, fully redundant, and certified, including SOC 2 Type II, ISO 27001, PCI DSS and ISO 27001.

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Hosted in top-tier data centers

AICPA SOC 2 Compliance Certification
PCi SS Compliance Certification
GDPR Compliance Certification
ISO 27001 Compliance Certification

Advanced Cloud Storage privacy

Our decentralized architecture is designed to prevent data leaks, theft and ransomware.

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Data is encrypted before reaching the data center

Data is encrypted with a different key before uploading to our data centers and only decrypted at your site upon retrieval.

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Image of data being encrypted by Impossible Cloud
Image of Impossible Cloud being decentralized and being safe from cyberattacks

More than just a few data centers

Most cloud attacks involve breaking into a central database to access a wealth of information. Impossible Cloud Storage stores encrypted fragments of your data across certified data centers, making attacks on centralized infrastructure ineffective.

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Best-in-class encryption

Client-side encryption allows you to use any security conventions. Impossible Cloud Storage leverages leading encryption mechanisms for granular object-level encryption - including security algorithms such as AES-256-GCM.

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Image showing how Impossible cloud is protected by algorythmic encryption, client side encryption and IAM
Image that shows all data being safe and immutable

File integrity

By splitting your data into fragments and distributing these to multiple data centers, we can always reconstitute your data’s original state.

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Object lock

Protect versioned objects from deletion with object locking and data immutability. Impossible Cloud supports duration-based object retention and indefinite legal hold retention.

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Image describing that objects can be object locked for greater security

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